SDKs and Libraries

Fingerprint offers SDKs for the most popular client and server-side frameworks, making it easy for you to implement our code, whatever your tech stack looks like.

Android card


Fingerprint Pro's native Android integration allows developers to integrate device identification into native Android apps.

Angular card


Open-source library and wrappers for using FingerprintJS Pro with Angular and SSR with Angular Universal.

Flutter card


Fingerprint Pro Flutter is an official open-source library for the Flutter ecosystem.

Go Server API SDK card

Go Server API SDK

This open-source library improves the experience for projects utilizing Go environment.

iOS card


Fingerprint Pro's native iOS integration allows developers to integrate device identification logic into native iOS apps.

JavaScript agent card

JavaScript agent

The client-side agent is a high-performance JavaScript agent that collects multiple device and browser signals and sends them to the FingerprintJS Pro API for processing and identification.

JavaScript agent with TypeScript support card

JavaScript agent with TypeScript support

The JS agent officially supports TypeScript version 4.0, but may work with newer and older versions of TypeScript.

Next.js card


This library provides developers with a native experience using React components and hooks together with a built-in caching mechanism.

Node.js Server API SDK card

Node.js Server API SDK

Server API and Webhooks wrapper for Node.js.

OpenAPI for Server API and Webhooks card

OpenAPI for Server API and Webhooks

With the open-source OpenAPI specifications for the Fingerprint Pro server and Webhooks API, one can easily develop integrations.

Preact card


Fingerprint Pro React is an official open-source package for the React ecosystem including support for Preact.

Python Server API SDK card

Python Server API SDK

This open-source library improves the experience for projects utilizing the Python environment

React.js card


This library provides developers with a native experience using React components and hooks together with a built-in caching mechanism.

React Native card

React Native

Fingerprint Pro React Native is an official open-source library for projects written in React Native for iOS and Android platforms.

Svelte card


This library provides a native experience using Svelte components together with a built-in caching mechanism.

Vue.js card


This open-source library provides you with all necessary wrappers for using FingerprintJS Pro with Vue.js and Nuxt. We support Vue.js 2.6.x and Vue.js 3.1.x.

PHP Server API SDK card


This open-source library improves the experience for projects utilizing PHP environment.

C#/.NET Server API SDK card

C#/.NET Server API SDK

This open-source library improves the experience for projects using C#/.NET.

Java Server API SDK card

Java Server API SDK

This open-source library improves the experience for projects using Java. It simplifies communication with our FingerprintJS Pro Server API.

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